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Starr Hill Pathways offers Charlottesville area youth career and college exploration and provides continuing support from rising 7th graders through high school graduation.

Starr Hill Pathways scholars start their journey with a summer, day program on UVA grounds. Youth-serving community partners and UVA and Piedmont Virginia Community College units will introduce middle school scholars to different career-oriented pathways while older high school students participate in internships. We support students through the school year with periodic check-ins, mentorship, and tutoring.

Summer Programming

The SHP summer experience is split by grade levels. Rising 7th through 9th-grade scholars will spend two weeks in our summer camp. During camp, they will spend two weeks in a pathway aligned with their interests for full exploration and project completion for the SHP Summer Camp Expo. During the Expo, families, community members, UVA partners, and supporters are invited to see the work the scholars created while in their pathways. 

Rising 10th-12th grade scholars will spend 6 weeks of the summer immersed in paid internships, shadowing, college visits, and other travel experiences.

Student Eligibility

To stay aligned with our mission, Starr Hill Pathways will prioritize enrollment to:

  • students from low-income households,
  • and/or those who will be first-generation college students
  • and are currently enrolled in Albemarle County Public Schools or Charlottesville City Schools.

Students selected for Starr Hill Pathways must be registered in Charlottesville City or Albemarle County Public Schools and having guardian permission to participate in summer and school-year programming.

School Year Enrichment Days

Students have the opportunity to explore career clusters and pathways throughout the school year on non-school days. Pathway days run a full day including pathway exploration in the morning and recreation activities in the afternoon. Breakfast, lunch, and transportation (upon request) are all provided.

On these days, students rotate through the pathways we have to offer. This gives them a chance to view various pathways between various career clusters. Students are encouraged to use these days to select a pathway to dive deeper into during the summer.

Pathways explorations are offered by local educational institutions such as the University of Virginia, Piedmont Virginia Community College, and Albemarle County Public Schools. We also work with local community partners to help give a "real life" view into the career/activity.

During selected weekdays, students spend the day on UVA grounds and the spaces of our numerous community partners. They spend part of the day learning about a specific career pathway. The rest of their day is split between mentoring workshops and recreational time.

Academic and Mentoring Support

Mentoring Support: Throughout our school year programming days, our scholars have been provided structured time for self-reflection and mentoring from Starr Hill Pathways staff and program counselors. Topics and activities over the course of the fall have included Growth Mindset, Resilience & Strength Exploration, and Letters to their Future Selves as the scholars continue to learn more about themselves with the guidance of SHP leaders. These facilitated conversations create intentional space for students to both explore and express their overall well-being coupled with envisioning a future of success. Starr Hill Pathways mentors will also begin visiting students at their schools to continue to foster community connection and positive identity development. Recently, our staff and counselors have begun in-school mentoring visits with SHP scholars. 

Academic Support: All Starr Hill Pathways scholars have access to tutoring support from UVA students. In person tutoring is offered during and after the school day, virtual tutoring takes place during evening hours.

7th - 9th Grade Curriculum

With Starr Hill Pathways, 7th through 9th grade students will spend their time exploring the various career clusters outlined by the Virginia CTE Resource Center. 7th and 8th graders will spend more time exploring career opportunities during programming. 9th grade scholars will become more involved in learning about Career Learning Communities and internship opportunities as they prepare for paid internships in the summer leading up to their 10th-grade year. By aligning our programming with the specific needs and interests of each grade level, we aim to create a more enriching and impactful educational journey.

  • Activities: School Year and Summer Programming, Mentoring, Career and College Exploration, Academic Support, Family Coordination, High School Navigation, and as an incentive, students receive complimentary tickets to select UVA sporting events.
10th - 12th Grade Curriculum

Our rising 10th graders will engage in their first year of paid internship opportunities through Community Action Youth Internship (CAYIP). In the spring, rising 10th-grade scholars learn the ins and outs of this internship program and will officially begin this summer (as part of our yearly camp). Rising 10th graders will no longer participate in the summer camp experience. They will transition into paid internships.

  • Activities: School Year Programming Days, Mentoring, Academic Support, Family Coordination, High School Navigation, SAT prep, PVCC Lab School, Paid Internship, Workforce Prep, National & Global Experiences, FAFSA & Scholarships Assistance, Resume Building, and as an incentive student receive complementary tickets to select UVA sporting events.
  • CAYIP Internship: Our rising 10th graders will engage in their first year of paid internship opportunities through Community Action Youth Internship (CAYIP). This spring, rising 10th grade scholars will learn the ins and outs of this internship program and will officially begin this summer (as part of our yearly camp). Rising 10th graders will no longer participate in the summer camp experience. They will transition into paid internships.

Post High School

  • Activities: Social/Emotional Support, Summer Program Counselors, SHP Mentors & Tutors